From Muse to Reality

Fiction, Politics and Essays

Pope Francis


If I may be so bold, I was captured by these word more than the many spoken by Pope Francis:

“A selfish and boundless thirst for power and material prosperity leads both to the misuse of available natural resources and to the exclusion of the weak and disadvantaged.”

I have no doubt that Pope Francis challenged President Obama and House Speaker John Boehner in their private meetings in Washington,  D.C.

The people of America have spoken with their presence on all fronts. I am not of the Catholic faith, but I heard him.

September 2015.

Minnie E Miller

Author: Minnie E. Miller

Author and Mz Minerva Publishing--Minnie Estelle Miller founder. I have spent years in politics in Chicago as a 20-something, wide eyed lady. And later in Los Angeles, San Francisco and finally back to Chicago. As a retiree, my days are filled with creative writing and posting on writing groups. I am still working on my memoir, I don't go on Facebook or other social media. I truly believe that social media as we know it today is going to implode one day in the future. My WordPress acct. is email is

7 thoughts on “Pope Francis

  1. Hi, Minnie,
    This visit was needed for the United States by the Pope. He has shed light on the issues that really matter. I went to Catholic School and Church in my earlier years. I left the Church because of the changes in the format of the mass among other things. The Pope has made me revisit what I loved about the Catholic Church. I have been energized by the Pope’s visit.


  2. Thank you, Linda. See my remarks in your email.


  3. Hi Minnie, I’m was not as moved by the Pope’s presence or words. There was nothing he said that was particularly revelatory. Of course as a man with millions of worshippers, it is nonetheless a good thing when he tells them not to destroy the planet and to protect the weak. I doubt those in power will heed his words.

    He spoke in my neighborhood and street parking was wrecked for three full days. So making street parking a nightmare those three days was the impact he had on me.


    • As I aforementioned, most of the Pope’s words will be forgotten after he leaves the USA. I was raised a Methodist and remember well what my Mother and Grandmother taught me and his words were basic to my upbringing. (Although I have stayed many times.) I feel it is a particularly good time in United States history that this powerful Pope has come trying to offer hope to America. It was apparent that John Boehner needed him. There are Billions of Catholics here. Catholic Schools and church are in need of financial aid, which as religious inistutions, cannot get from the federal government. And people of color–so called illegal immigrants–, which he is as well, are being discriminated against. In nearly fifty years (numbers?) people of color will be the global majority, if life continues in today’s manner. I believe that this Pope is not above politics. I read somewhere that the Catholic Church ruled England during King Henry’s era. That because the Church would not give him a divorce from his Queen he repudiated the Church and named himself the ruler of England. I believe he remarried and beheaded his next wife because she could not birth him a son. Man! Now that was mean. Ha, ha, ha. I say all of this to say do not fret, your problem will be over when Pope Francis boards a plane for home tonight. Have a great Sunday.


      • Nope, my parking/driving problems continue as President Obama is in NYC now creating “dead zones” all over the east side.

        To be clear there are not billions of Catholics in the America, or on earth for that matter. The Vatican’s own estimate puts the figure at 1.2 billion globally. I seriously doubt if most of the ones in America take the religion very seriously, considering just the contraception and abortion rules.

        Also, all religious institution get “aid” from the government, in the form a tax breaks. Don’t discount this as it is quite a substantial benefit. Indeed, I suspect some church’s primary reason for existing is for the organizers to exploit that benefit.

        Sorry to be so cynical on the Sabbath 😉


  4. Touché! I was waiting for someone to refute my comments. How about the comments about King Henry of England? Help me out here.
    When I read about this King, it brought to mind my ex-husband, Henry. He threw me aside because I couldn’t give him a son. But alas, fortunately he didn’t have me beheaded, and his 3rd wife gave him a daughter. Don’t know if he tried for a 4th.
    So much for fate.

    Happy Monday!


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